• Home Inspection Wasaga Beach FAQs Answered

    Buying or selling a house can be an exciting time. On the one hand, as a buyer, you might be buying your dream house or a bigger house. On the other hand, as a seller, you might be selling your house to move to a better property or maybe downsize due to some reasons.

    Home Inspection Wasaga Beach

    In both cases, getting a home inspection Wasaga Beach is essential. At CLS Home Inspections, we highly recommend you take a home inspection before you buy or sell your house.

    Now, you might have certain questions about home inspection Wasaga Beach. Hence, we asked our in-house home inspector to answer a few frequently asked questions for you. Here’s what they had to say.

    Home Inspection: What Is It?

    In simpler terms, a home inspection includes an evaluation, mostly visual, of the whole property. This will include evaluating different areas of the house including but not limited to windows, doors, basement, foundation, plumbing, and more.

    Once the home inspection Wasaga Beach is completed, the home inspector will give you a detailed report. This report will give you a good enough idea of whether the property is good enough to buy or sell.

    Are Home Inspections Mandatory?

    Well, as per Canadian housing laws, home inspection is not mandatory. It highly depends on the buyer or seller. For example, some buyers make a home inspection a compulsory condition in their offer.

    Whereas in the competitive real estate markets of Vancouver or Toronto, several buyers skip home inspection to give a competitive offer.

    But as an expert inspector at CLS Home Inspections, getting a home inspection offers major financial advantages and reveals any hidden defects in the property before you buy or sell.

    When To Get Home Inspection During Buying Process?

    During the buying process, you must get a home inspection once you have made an offer and still have some time to close the deal.

    What Is the Process of Home Inspection?

    The time duration of any home inspection Wasaga Beach is between 1 to 3 hours. The time will depend on the size of your property.

    Home Inspection Wasaga Beach

    During the home inspection, the inspector will tour the whole house internally and externally to visually evaluate the house. They will take notes and pictures during the home inspection to include in their report. It is also the time when you can ask them questions about certain areas of the house that you might think have issues.

    Once the inspection is done, the inspector will provide a detailed report which can help you make an informed decision.

    What To Do With The Home Inspection Report?

    Once you have the report, you must review it carefully and ask any follow-up questions. You can review the areas that may need repair and ultimately influence your decision to buy the house.

    Now you know a little more about home inspections. If you want to learn more or get a home inspection Wasaga Beach, get in touch with us at CLS Home Inspections right away.

    Call us now to find out more.