• A Home Inspection Can Help Spot and Prevent Frozen Pipes

    In a few more months, we will be covered in snow and extreme winter. Although you would love to cozy up in your house while sipping your favourite wine or just some hot chocolate, your house water pipes might freeze to death in such harsh winter. 

    Frozen pipes are a major concern in winter. It can hinder the flow of water in your house and create extreme pressure on the water pipes causing them to burst. If you want to avoid such a situation, it would be best to get a Severn home inspection to find the blind spots and prepare the pipes adequately.

    Preventative Measures to Avoid Freezing Pipes

    Once you have found the spots that usually freeze during winter, you can take some preventative measures. For example, keeping your heat on. However, this can get expensive in the long run. 

    Instead, you can reduce the water pressure in pipes by letting the faucet drip. Keep the cabinets in the bathroom sink open to keep them warm. 
    Using electrical heat taping or insulation for pipes that get extra cold can also help you reduce the chances of freezing pipes. 

    Ways to Spot a Frozen Pipe

    An Innisfil home inspection can also help you spot a frozen pipe. Turn on the faucet and see if anything is dripping from it. If not, you need to start searching for the frozen section. 

    • If no faucet is working in any room, the frozen section is likely in the split on the main pipe. 
    • If no faucet is working on the floor, the frozen section is between the first and second floors. 
    • If no faucet is working in your whole house, the frozen section is likely at the main pipe. 

    You can also touch the pipes to find the frozen pipe as it will be colder than other sections of the pipe. 

    Thawing a Frozen Pipe

    Once you have spotted a frozen pipe, you must thaw it. Start by opening all the faucets in the house to relieve the pressure. Start using hot towels to thaw the pipe. You must thaw the pipe from the faucet towards the actual blockage. This prevents the pooling of water behind the frozen section. Avoid using open flames to thaw the frozen pipes. 

    Frozen pipes can burst if neglected for a long time. This can result in a severe plumbing emergency. Hence, make sure to inspect your house for frozen pipes during winter. 

    This can be extremely important if you are going to put your property on sale. Calling a home inspector Orillia can help you spot places in your house that need repair or replacement. And we at CLS Home Inspections can provide you with high-quality home inspection services. 

    Call our team now to find out more.